Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pollution Death

I have now read the Inconvenient Truth and seen the Movie. I have also read a number of other books on this issue, and feel a little informed. If you want to hear about what James Locklock thinks about this you really need to hear this program from Radio National Science Show. This is a good program, in a really bad way.

Why pollution Death? Read Seth's blog, basically "Global Warming" is too fuzzy and friendly...

I am not quite at despair yet... I believe in putting my money where my mouth is, my actions so far include:
1: Green energy
2: Carbon credits to offset gas usage
3: Energy efficient appliances and light bulbs
4: Fuel efficient car
5: I walk to the train to go to work, unless I really need to drive (currently 1 day a week when I have late classes)
6: I vote and there is nothing more important than this issue
7: Letting others know (22 of us went to the Inconvenient Truth)
8: Turn off appliances I am not using (at the wall, no standby)

Future plans:
1: Buy carbon credits for car and motorbike
2: Buy carbon credits for purchases


jesibl said...

well i'm doing my bit for the environment too. as bart simpson says "I didn't take a bath today, and I may not take one tomorrow". what a greenie i am.

Joost said...

My main concern is the water shortage here in Australia. I recently saw on the news that the Melbourne reservoirs are only 43% full, compared with 64% last year same time. I must say this is very concerning. I really like that quote by Bart Simpson that Jemma said before. We must be careful with the amount of water we use. And about energy, what the hell is this government doing????? In Brazil most cars drive on fuels that are less damaging. It's those bloody oil companies that keep the electric cars of the road. Anyway, Inconvenient Truth was a great movie. Everyone should see it.